In 1994 they shoved a system of invasive neuroprosthetics up my ass. In 2001 I went to court, Rehnquist took up for me; though he was already implanted in 2004/5 they 'shoved the same technology up his ass' in using it against him in a series of attacks employing targeted radiation. After which I grew to believe they'd shoved the same technology up my brother's ass in 1984 when they pretended he died and I thought he had. Now I want to shove the technology up their ass.
On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:40 PM, Andrew Bestor wrote:
Q: Exactly what is a 'carrier frequency'?
Obviously it is a lot of power to and from an antenna to a given destination, allowing a little bit of power to hitchhike and actually perform the required task 'on station'. Once its there. But how does that work - particularly when the carrier frequency [at high power or a strong wave but not a particularly high rate of cycle wave] doesn't seem remotely close to the hitchhiking frequency [which in neuroprosthetics seems to be much higher. Many more waves at a much higher cycle rate though they aren't as powerful].....
A: Carrier Frequency is simply the frequency of the signal that is carrying some type of information. What gets done to the carrier are things like modulating the amplitude of the signal (AM), or the frequency (FM). I think of the carrier frequency as the base starting point of the signal - then you do things to that signal - and that's how information is sent - it's the things you do to the signal that's important in determining the type of transmission that happens.
I think what you are trying to get at is the carrier frequency has side lobes - sub frequencies, or side bands - and sometimes those are what gets modulated to transmit information, instead of the main frequency. Signals aren't really just sine waves, they are something like a set of sine waves - it's hard to explain without drawing what it looks like...
Check out this wikipedia article - it covers the basics. The picture shows that the carrier frequency has higher power than the sidebands.
A way to convert from a carrier frequency to a much higher frequency is through the use of an oscillator to generate harmonics of the carrier frequency - but - it's extremely inefficient from a power standpoint - such that if you have a low frequency, high power, carrier so you can get to a very high frequency, low powered harmonic of the carrier. Hate to keep passing you off to articles - but here's another wiki article on it...
Planning for the Implementation of an Intercortical Visual Prosthetic, [Phil] Troyk and [Doug] McCreery et al...
...biphasic charge balanced pulse used for driving faradaic noble metal electrodes... Our conclusion is that traditional charge capacity measurements made in vitro within a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) electrolyte are not representative of the in-vivo capacity. Once implanted, deliverable charge capacity of the microelectrodes can be as low as 1/10 that of the PBS measurements....
A single coil, mounted near the [application-specific-integrated-circuit or ASIC] chip is used to transfer power, inward telemetry, and outward telemetry... The magnetic link carrier frequency is 4.8 Mkz.... Using FSK modulation of a Class-E converter, the inward command telemetry bandwidth is 1.2Mbits/sec... Outward telemetry, used to remotely monitor an individual electrode voltage, is accompanied by AM modulation of the 4.8 MHz carrier at 130 kHz.
Aug. 21/23rd, 2006. Neuroprosthetic Workshop, National Institute of Health, Bethesda MD.
Keep coming back to that 130 kHz. NIH presumably assigned the frequency.
25 March 2009:
Fairly recent media references.
John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory of Laurel won a $30.4 million contract from the Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center to develop a complete prosthetic upper extremity with full motor and sensory function and to research neural control, sensory input, advanced mechanics and actuators, and prosthesis design and integration. Contracts Awarded, Washington Post, 13 Feb 2006, page D4.
Examiner Exclusive: Military. Company wants the Pentagon to microchip troops; Under-skin implants would work as digital dog tags, David Francis and Bill Myers, 21 Aug 2006, page 4. ...The company [VeriChip] has political muscle in the form of Tommy Thompson[,] [a] former secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services...
Rep. Tom Davis calls for microchip probe, Examiner, 22 Aug 2006.
Try Some Chips on Immigration?, Al Kamen, In The Loop, Washington Post, 01 May 2006. The focus on immigration has sparked some creative ideas on how to deal with the issue.... "President Uribe said he would consider having Columbian workers have microchips implanted in their bodies before they are permitted to enter the United States to work on a seasonal basis"....
Rehnquist is not actually dead but they killed others and certainly would have killed him. This is characterizing the attack mechanism used, and beyond that the assailants do bad things with it - radiating me to the pre-motor and motor centers of the brain inducing impotence though I still get erections with electrical stimulus - the technology is fine.
Range is thought to be 110 db of attenuation, 3 kHz and 40 GHz.
30 db, 300-600 MHz, 2.45 GHz is in the range of serious health risk (tend to keep frequencies higher). From 2003 to 2005 research suggested the emission was absolutely balanced [positive/negative] to mitigate against tissue degradation; in 2007 somebody was saying it carries a slight positive bias for the same reason.
All right; its packetized and a remote operator is monitoring and stimulating. In my case at least originally probably ground-based using dish antennas. What about a larger distribution paradigm? Speculative. It seems like multiple operators are co-located, but its possible we have some remote - even extremely remote - operators or at least monitoring sharing awareness. How do they do that?
These are - were - the commercial birds.
Characterized by the signal, TELESTAR I and II were early launches with FM signals centered at 6389.58 MHz for the uplink and 4169.72 MHz for the downlink. That is shorthanded as 6/4 GHz ['C band' is 4 GHz to 8 GHz so that is in C band]; I was on a project at Boeing where it seemed like the service providers were mostly at 'Ku band' which is technically from 12 GHz to 18 GHz but shorthanded as 14/11 GHz uplink/downlink.
Military satellites are said to be much higher frequency which I suspect is really the issue; for some reason I am thinking the range at issue here is 40 to 50 GHz.
Graphics are from Satellite Communications by Timothy Pratt and Charles W. Bostian, 1986, noting both that they've come out with a much more recent edition and I claim the technology at least in some cases is being manipulated. Are they familiar with so-called global warming concepts, and are they aware a laser-balanced military constellation in stationary orbit is probably targeting the Arctic icecap?
Stationary slots limited and jealously guarded they must at least be 'aware' of it; here's hoping the warning will disseminate in the larger satellite community.
Anyway you have a neuroprosthetic, and you have a distribution system keeping in mind that at least originally in my case the technical surveillance mechanism was[is] probably ground [dish] based. What happens after that?
'Feeding data into the sentient plasma structure' which significantly makes up the Earth's upper atmosphere. "When an electron leaves its original home atom because of chemical, light, heat or other types of energy, it leaves behind an atom that is no longer electronically neutral.
An ion is any atom that is not electronically balanced (or neutral) and that has gained or lost electrons.
A positive ion is an atom having fewer electrons than protons (a deficiency of electrons). A negative ion is an atom having more electrons than protons (an excess of electrons).
When an electron is torn from a neutral atom, leaving a positive ion, or when an electron is added to a neutral atom, producing a negative ion, [either way] the process is called ionization.
Foundations of Electronics, Russell L. Meade and Robert Diffenderfer, Thompson/Delmar, 2005.
This will be the third - 'emergent' - part of the equation. In progress. For now please enjoy this sampling of earlier work.
DOCUMENTATION. Optimization, Power and Telemetry papers via the menu on the right or continuing below. Double click on images for enlargement.
OBJECTIVE. This site details a particular neuroprosthetic installation which is thought to have at least 'evolved' from the MKULTRA Subproject 119 design.
The immediate political context outlined elsewhere [at], 'ultimate' questions and utilization scenarios work toward 'data repository optimization' in turn raising questions about technology being currently deployed and control or access criteria [at].
INTRODUCTION. John Nash [A Beautiful Mind] circa 1950s only suffered audio sequences; Dennis Sweeney similarly reported audio sequences in the early 1970s after being implanted by Allard Lowenstein and Peter Bourne who married Sweeney's ex-wife. Visual monitoring and stimulus was referenced by one author [David Harris] as taking place in that case by 1980, with Giles Brindley famously mapping the visual cortex roughly across that time period.
Richard Anderson from Cal-Tech got up at the NIH Neuroprosthetics Workshop [I think] in 2005 and, evidently discussing a Subproject 119 neuroprosthetic, explained that they take two neuro impulse functions - a 'recognition' early curve and an 'action' late curve - and split them vertically, capturing the peak of both impulses for an immediate/iterative high average. The issue then becomes sampling from the data stream or determining how much of the data you can utilize. Leo Bullara from HMRI was there for more California representation [throw in Stanford and it looks like those guys developed it; Bill Agnew was probably the main installation focal].
The outcome of the meeting can at best be described as 'mixed'; Anderson went home and promptly 'dumbed down' his website but that was the jist of it; this blogspot looks at particular 'unified' neuroprosthetic installation ongoing from 1995 expanding into additional installations and histories.
TECHNOLOGY SCHEMATIC. Fully operable and installed in presidents since Nixon got busted on the tapes, this is the system. In fact, this may have been the reason the CIA busted Nixon on the tapes. They wanted presidents to be implanted [but can't turn the system on and off, though some rooms in the White House are said to be shielded, and the White House in its entirety is monitored for external penetration].
BIOLOGY SCHEMATIC [vision]. The technology is ready now for installation and has been for the last three decades; most blind people are not one hundred percent blind and the beauty of this particular system is that it lends itself to customized 'balance' or stimulus.
CLAIM. People are being attacked with this technology [Bestor v. United States, 1:02-cv-00279 RWR with a sequence of ensuing litigation as one example of 'at least a bunch' if not 'many']. The most obvious reference is a gratuitous footnote in Best v. Kelly, 39 F.3d 328, 330 (D.C.Cir. 1987) which has been mentioned in recent filings hopefully as an effort to amend it. In reality this blogspot is an aspect of our defense though the system concepts aren't helpful without more documentation; ninety percent of a chain is functionally useless when every tenth link is missing.
Site location on a 'fierce-looking' cluster of prongs - four was conventional multiplying out to eight and more; that is what professionals are expecting to discuss. A conventional electrode perhaps with enhanced prongs or tines, but the system here ain't that. We look at a radiation-based invasive neuroprosthetic system:
A. largely composed of microscopic wire [apparently 25 to 50 microns thick] densely populated with electrode sites though conventional electrode[s] are also utilized [on the hypothalamus for example, less certainly on blood vessels between the brain hemispheres potentially inducing bleeding],
B. inserted into the body including lymph nodes, skeletal structure, and skull [1994] and brain cavity [1995] now incorporated in dura immediately against the brain blood barrier, and
C. featuring monitored neural impulse reassembled into a usable data package at a remote location and stimulated on a 'real-time' iterative basis.
HISTORY. A complete package apparently originating in Subproject 119 [Saul Sells, Texas Christian] under the CIA MKULTRA overview designator, certainly deployed by the mid-1970s, with utilization continuing today.
Two other MKULTRA Subprojects involved radiation-based invasive technologies which are probably still being deployed. Subproject 86 is/was an invasive lie detector and verification mechanism originally conceptualized to prevent 'doubling.' Somebody swapping an enemy agent into your command structure as an impostor.
How often does that happen?
Aside from the Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine initiation?
Adolf Hitler, Howard Hughes, Elvis Presley, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. For sure. Maybe Abraham Lincoln a day or two before 'he' or a figure looking like him was shot, the patriot John Wilkes Booth 'nipping it in the bud' or resolving the situation with finality [Lincoln perhaps betrayed to the Confederacy by his Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, in line with the sinking of the Indianapolis following delivery of the 'game ending' nuclear bombs in the Pacific. In his work Sahara, Pocket Books 1992, Clive Cussler was probably too naive but on the right track].
Subproject 94 is/was an invasive neuroprosthetic leading to directional control of animals - in the 1950s and '60s small mammals and birds; now perhaps including sharks and penguins possibly by larger manipulations of magnetic fields beyond any invasive technology. This was the early documentation.
Again, our focus is on the MKULTRA Subproject 119 neuroprosthetic. This blogspot will serve as a central location for some of the history, early research papers and current reference work, with assembly in progress from about 15 Dec 2008 following the loss of the old site which dated from February 2002. Your interest is very much appreciated.
Monday, December 15, 2008
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